Saturday, December 27, 2008

twenty one december

the cheese cake was scrumptious!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

bella's lullaby

its time to dish out those whitening masks and use it everyday. being extremely fair is trendy all thanks to the cullen family.

twilight was fantastic. a fantasy love story with an edge. im officially a twilight fan now and i definitely need to read all 4 books. oh, and the soundtrack is great too. abit emo though.

me heart spring/summer

van with her new bangs

my kfc meal didn't satisfy my tummy! hahha


i gotta say i kinda like indian food. its something different and smells really great cos of all those spices and wat not they put in the food. finally got a chance to catch up with my good old poly friends since year 1, nisha and zahirah! when we are together the thing we do most is 'crapping' hahha, its our hobby.

should check out this indian restaurant at lucky plaza level 1, 'lucky prata'. zahirah made a good recommendation=)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

family affair

my family and i went to celebrate my uncle's big 60th birthday at nus club house on sat. it was great fun camwhoring with my cousins. this never happened before!

i didn't eat much during lunch time cos i knew there was going to be great food at the party, and indeed the chinese food was delicious! hmmmmph i still can remember how the scallop with shrimp paste tasted like! hahaha.

best moment of the night had to be during the ktv session where my cousin joel sang 'opps i did it again' by britney spears! it was hilarious! thumbs up for that jo!


cousin joel! recognize him from a familar english sitcom? 'living with lydia'

how robotic mum?!

cousin mark and gf who happens to be my sec 3 math teacher!

cousin dr joy and fiance, mattew

the menu! foodie pictures...

some mantoh thingy with yam paste inside

he played with his food...

the lobster meat with the fruits (honey dew melon) was brilliant

my fav! sharks fin soup! whats great bout it is that its not the typical starchy kinda soup but this is clear broth. yummmy!

scallop with prawn paste=))

cod fish with soy beans. the taste was purrrfect, not too salty.

spicy chicken. heart the crispy skin alot!

asparagus, mushrooms and fungus


glutinous rice ball

almond paste

im enjoying the food! my bulging tummy is well hidden! hahah!

uncle edmund the 'birthday man'!

cousin justin!

hmmmph.... maybe in 6 years time!=)

happy birthday uncle edmund!

chan family

uncle edmund and sisters

my dad looks like hes in shock... hmph i wonder why?! hahha

dad's siblings

dad has mastered my jumping shots!

a rabbit, a basketball player and a baboon. -_-

'i think i did it again........'

'i truly believe we're more then just frens....'

'opps i did it again....'

'oh baby baby.... ahhhhhhh!'

enjoyable night! until next time folks...=)