Thursday, March 26, 2009


i just wanna get home

2 weeks more

endure shaunny boy

then its party time

oh boy i can't wait

miss all my frens much

see u guys then

it was extremely difficult to get hold of this damn internet computer


shaunethan.blogspot will be back on the hot spot

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

up and away.

i'll miss my frens and family!

will be back 9 april. lots of fun then! especially on 11!



Sunday, March 8, 2009

acid burn

nights out

lets play kids.

see u guys in april!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

london quieten down i need to make a sound

new york quieten down i need to make a sound

kingston quieten down i need to make a sound

brazil quieten down i need to make a sound


all in the past

2007, perth

our escapade, dee and sookmei

when short shorts weren't cool

heart green

the happy club

those few times i wore a shirt made out of plastic

and that one time when wearing slippers to town was common