Saturday, June 21, 2008


colin's cravings for tim sum weeks ago was finally satisfied! our gang went to chinatown to feast on one of the better tim sum restaurants 'Tak Po' on smith street. its not too bad, u should go check it out if u love tim sum. i forgot to take pictures of all the food when they were served, must be my tummy! however i manage to take pics of the left overs!

caught 'don't mess with the zohan' at cathay. its damn funny. 3.5/5. light-hearted sick jokes hence its nc 16. haha.

my summer look! read in style men that floral is pretty in these days so decided to match my floral shirt, which i hardly wear with my fav neon green shorts!

nerd. new specs for army but i like them better than the previous specs

on smith street. go find it!

gang: eugene, guay gen, ty, me, van, colin

apparently van decided to be accidentally matchy with me today. her mindset was to wear a chinese floral inspired top as we were going to chinatown! mine was ermm... to try a summer look! when u put both together u get a pre-view of chinese new year 09.





left overs!

this server was rude


van's new samsung phone.

i'm jealous. my sis got one of the latest cyber shot phones 5 megapix. the design is real slick. i heart the C905 with the 8.1 megapix cam!

wants? a new wallet. current diesel wallet is shaggy, used it for 3 years! time for a change. a bigger one! next stop? gucci?! ck!!

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