Monday, September 15, 2008

a feeling of ethnicity?

spent the whole day shopping with dee from 1pm till 10pm on sat! u wouldn't guess how much we spent. this better be once in blue moon or ill be dried out! haha. well we are happy with our buysssss! dee bought a unique white fcuk shirt for ermmmm?? the price was extremely reasonable, and bought a dark grey cardigan from zara. i bought a ipod classic sliver!! the new 120gb. ill soon know its too much space=) i too bought a grey cardigan from zara. believe it or not i bought a ladies one but in large size. the guys one was not as nice and wayyyy too x. and last but not least i got a pair or leather sandals from dr martin's which i always desired. im feeling emptied now...

we then met up with wayne, grace, mich and ceci for dinner!!! muacks... let the pics speak for itself then. compliments of dee's grand 'tua ki' nikon camera! love it.

me trying on the new sandals!

at starbucks


oh dear dee!

smoking it up with mich

haven worn this in ages. like the way i styled it?

detail shot of the ethnic top

did i mention i love my sandals?

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