Sunday, October 19, 2008

one of those enjoyable sundays

i'm beginning to think that i am able to click with my sis pretty well. it never was like this 4 years back. u can imagine the things i do to irritate her. i guess its a growing up thingy. im glad i can assist my sis in many ways "winks"!

lunch at the pizza place (raffles city) wasn't that great, i had the chicken and mushroom baked rice and she had the meatball linguini which looked burnt on the outside but realli moist inside. no wonder its called the pizza place, cos we should have tried the PIZZAS instead. my bet.

all thanx to me she bought a gorgeous dress! lup the colour (deep purple). the shimmery black dress was kinda wat she alreadi have. as for me... i spent again. i seriously need to control myself, strap myself from touching any shoes! but im in love with them. and oh while in the shop clara spotted me and shouted my name! the aftermath??? many eyes staring at me! haven seen her in ages! i should have taken a pic with her. clara if yr reading this, u look fab! chill out some day yea? TAG ME!

the most amusing thing happened while on the bus back home. as the bus stop was crowded, typical singaporeans, needless to say "aunties" and "uncles", entered the bus via the exit of the bus -_- i didn't manage to take a pic in time! and so they didn't pay for their ride. i was speechless! i mean wat can i say aloud?! hahah.

this weekend has been good so far especially after i found my coach tag in my shopping bag, which i thought i lost on the way back home today. im grateful for that=)

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