Sunday, March 1, 2009

last day of february

28 feb marks the marriage of my cousin joy and her husband matthew

congratulations guys, have a beautiful marriage ahead of you! i bet your rome honeymoon trip would be exciting haha! shop shop shop! god bless.

at the front, aunty irene (bride's mum). her dress is really nice.

doesn't cousin joel look dashing!


matthew sure is one happy man!

rock band!

i see yr're smiling really widely matthew! hahah

i was extremely hungry! it was my breakfast cum lunch!

pretty cupcakes

tea ceremony at joy's home

P.O.M "prisoners of marriage"!!!

look at what my sis did to the guest book!

menu for dinner

biggest dessert surprise was this chocolate fondue fountain! yummmmyyyy

this was all i took from all those pretty desserts. i was full already la

yummmmmmmm sennnnnnnnnngggg

our final poses

i remembered having 3 bowls of shark's fin soup! but this does not mean im not an animal lover!!! i feel guilty now.

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