Tuesday, April 14, 2009

14 april 2009

the number 21, doesn't really make me feel older actually. i'll always be the crazy fella, just that i guess my decisions would be more matured.

i'm glad to have great friends that made my 21 years of my life fulfilling.

thru out these 21 years, i have changed tremendously. phasing thru life indeed has been difficult, but this is what life is all about, changes. 'morphing' of my character, personality, dressing, mentality, goals in life etc... sorta made me the way i am now.

i'm sure next couple of years would be as magical and fun filled, just as long as i have my family and friends beside me all the way.

and lastly, 21 years of age provided me with something which i did not have in the past...

a ticket to watch RA movies.

happy birthday to myself=)

1 comment:

orange'd said...

RA movies? sadly there aren't any for u :p