i flew off to taiwan on the 12th of march and returned back on the 9th of april. 1 mth seems pretty short rite? however i felt that it was the longest trip i ever had even though i did stay in perth for 3 mths. well i shall not elaborate more bout why i felt that way, but all i can say that i was seriously home sick. badly home sick. let me concentrate on the fun parts that my taiwan trip gave me.
well... first of all i got to know, befriend, meet... a very interesting person that shared kinda the same interests as me. its kinda hard to find guys that shares the same interest as me. maybe there are, but i haven come across any until now. yup, jason is his name. hahah. if yr reading this jason, which im sure u are. thanx for keeping me company and entertaining me when i was extremely aimless and bored. yes i know that calvin fong was extremely entertaining, and i must highlight the word extremely. but theres a limit to entertainment, which i know u get wat i mean! theres another pal too that i befriended, wei xiang. it was fun at times to talk crap, which sadly didn't manage to pass much of the time away. ohhh! jason nick named me BMW. go figure.
took pretty much alot of pics. wouldn't want to elaborate so much here. so i'll say stuff bout the pics u are about to see!
my very first pic taken in the coach headed to the camp. their can drinks are very colourful and nicely designed. i took this pic cos its my fav drink too!

introducing, on the left weixiang, right jason (freaking tall).
first nights out. in taxi. the building in front is beautiful, hence boutiques like prada, lv etc are all there.

night market for fashionistas. taiwan's fashion is not at all my style. their style is kinda like more hip hop, baggy jeans, high cut boots. blings and wat not.... not to mention those crazy hair dos! hence from the way we singaporeans dress, taiwanese can easily recognize we are not from taiwan.

it was a sat night, hence it was really crowded. i could remb that the weather that night was really cold. shiok in some way!

fried mushrooms! the guy really piled up the paper bag with lots of mushrooms. hahah unlike in singapore, whom would give such snacks till sightly below the brim.
calvin n jason enjoying their mushrooms
mixing the pepper n salt with the chilli powder, very common in taiwan for chicken, pork snacks etc...

cute t shirt.

a beautiful zen like shop. shops there are so much more nicely designed and items are place beautifully.

packet milk tea.

mixed food items. cheap and good.

wat i picked out. seems little but my paper bag was extremely filled and huge in size. if i remb i only paid $4 for it!!! how cheap is that.

hardworking lady at work

ice cream. those long ones.

jason spotted this. and i had to take a pic of it. cos its me! hahaha. i never thought much bout sheeps though. except for their curly fur. hmmmm. its good to know that i dun have curly leg hair! haha

in taxi off to the food night market!

the first thing we smelt when stepping out of the taxi came from this shop. ewwwwwwww smell!

it was SMELLY TOU FU! hahhaha and guess wat!? me and jason tried it! for fun la. no harm. the worst that could happen would be the need to go and seat on the toilet bowl instantly. which did not happen.

verdict... it smells real bad, however it tastes alright. crispy on the outside and soft in the inside. not bad actually. the cold vegetable served at the side sucks though.


even more ewwwwwwwwww. sick ppl only eat such gross stuff. snake soup! hell no did i try that. gross!!!

some hot soup to warm our bodies. it was a glutinous rice ball with meat stuffing inside. ermmmmmm..... didn't really like it that much. struggled to finish it.

2nd night out in kaohsiung. went to dreams mall. it is the largest mall i have ever seen!

jason and me at the food court

we finally decided to settle on buying our dinner at this shop. cos it had the longest queue! how typically singaporean is that?!

i had the pork cutlet. we were craving for western food! from all those chinese food served at camp. this was heaven! hhaha. the pork had cheese and ham in it! delicious! in taiwan, their pork cutlets are usually stuffed with cheese and ham inside.

jason had beef stew

calvin had fried fish

the whole jing bang group. drivers, medics, storemen and only one clerk (me)!

wat the others had.

dreams mall was very beautiful in its architecture. intricate.

baskin robbins for desert! jason and i shared a POPPING SHOWER ice cream! it was delicious! those crunchy bits! yummy.
loads of crazy flavours!

we picked that one! i doubt u can see.

its the one on the top left hand corner.


supermarket where i bought quite a bit of snacks... nuts, chewing gum....

chilling out at mac. the mac cafe coffee there sucks. so diluted! singapore's mac cafe is wayyyyyy better. i like strong coffee!

after about 11 days in kaohsiung. we headed off to maylin camp.
1st nights out. off to touliu, considered the most happening town they have to offered.

i bought a huge lollipop!

opps! desire!

desperate for fast food! KFC! the camp food suck sucks suckssssssss. no wonder ppl have been saying that i lost weight! damn! shaun neither gains nor looses weight lor! and my appetite has become smaller. damnnnnn.


numerous types of candy

2nd outing. during the day. i bought most of my snacks from carrefour. especially a 1 litre heiniken beer can!

haha we visited some sex shop for fun! its around this area.



milk tea again! this time i could order it without sugar! i like my drinks without sugar. personal preference. im just brought up this way.

this is wat i would order from the canteen in maylin camp when im f***ing hungry. damn the cook house food. make me spend extra money when i could use it for shopping. i think im the only one that orders the SPECIAL SET there! hahahha. i would order hash browns plus pork cutlet plus egg with ham without the pie hahaha!!!! deja vu! cos back in commando's camp. im also the crazy one to order the special $2.40 shaun's set meal! 2 tau kaus, 1 fish fillet and 1 fish cake.

another nights out. at the night market! it was HUGE! held at a big car park area.


taiwanese sausages. the store had newpaper cut outs. thus suppose to be good. however i tried it and wasn't really wat i fancied.

msg goh, me and jason eating our dinner. oyster noodles and some tim sum (shrimp and meat). delicious! the soup is extremely oily.

the store. its famous too. newpaper cut outs plus long queue equals die die die die must try!!!

enjoying my food!

heres the delicious food!

crowded. squeezing thru the crowd.

HAHA! extremely difficult to chew off squid!

desert! my craving for soya beancurd was satisfied! the owner did not understand wat i wanted! i wanted the beacurd without sugar but replace it with soya drink! wats so difficult to understand bout that!!!! well...... the obvious is that my chinese isssss HELL! deeper then HELL i guess. oh wells.. my fault then.

the beacurdssss

the ice kachang. huge portion!

making a fool of ourselves!

how more classic can a 'fool' pose!!! hahhaha. good one jason in taking this pic!=)) calvin im so sorry i posted this up!
last outing in touliu before heading of for R&R aka rest and relax. this pic shows the main area of touliu. ohhh EASY SHOP is a bra shop hahhaha. i wonder why taiwan has sooo many bra and panty shops.... hmmmmmmm

kfc for lunch. singapore does not have this burger so it was a must try for me. pork with cheese and ham.. the usual taiwan porky! hahha it was good. cheese oozinngggggg out.

ordered pizza from pizza hut just to try.

we walked sooo long just to decide on where to chill out at and finally we chose this desert place that had somewhat the chill out feeling.
hahah i made it look like a present.

milk pudding ice kachang.


soya milk! no sugar!!! =) cute design.

slurp slurp!

waiting around for the vehicle to pick us up to head back to camp. freaking cold! and i didn't bring my cardigan.

i wanted to bring this bottle back but didn't cos i thought it would be useless. cute though. "DR MILKER" hmmm.....

delicious cup noodles. its has real cooked meat inside, beef/pork. damn good. but sadly singapore does not allow this particular cup noodles to be brought back into singapore. damn. wanted my family to try! i bought alot lorrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

pit stop for breakfast, heading for R&R back in Kaohsiung for 3 days 2 nights. screwed up la... suppose to have R&R in taipei! damn it. go all the way to taiwan and dun get to see taipei. =( i need to plan a trip there! beautiful garden behind me.

me and lionel

ill just go straight to the verdict. i dun suit oakley sunglasses! hahaha.

in kaohsiung. walking around after arrival at hotel.

gorgeous flowers near central park station.

central park station is breath taking! never had i seen such a beautiful station.

the luxury shopping centre in kaohsiung.

visited sogo departmental store.

first dinner during R&R. artistic paintings/drawings all over the restaurant. the food was fab and the price was totally worth eating it! for wat i ate cost only about $11.

their menu! how cute huh?!

starters. complimentary. bread sticks with honey musturd sauce. service at this restaurant was great plus the waiter was really friendly, hence i brought calvin, jason and weixiang to eat at this same place for lunch on our last R&R day.

edible art! i had this pumpkin salad.

and this too. baked penni with chicken!

heart it!

msg goh ate this. gorgeously presented huh?!!!=)

more art on the walls.

we moved to the third floor to seat cos some inconsiderate family (the mothers of the couple) was quacking away loudly, arguing bout some problems between their son and daughter dating each other. irritating bitches! oh well the third floor was even better!!!! look at the gorgeous view behind me! oh their toilet are well designed as well. no pic for that though!

clubbing!!! at DREAMS. most happening club that kaohsiung could offer. and it was $5 for the entry plus one free heiniken beer. for $5 i expected it to be a $5 worth of clubbing but it exceeded my expectations. the music was realli good! i can't believe they played M.I.A's song 10 dollar. hahha. it was a monday hence not many taiwan girls though. hahha. so many guys there! and most of them are from our army.


party party!!! the funny thing is that my boss was there partying too! and i guess now he probably knows how wild i am when i dance! hahaahah. how embarrassing it was! hahha. oh well i was there to have fun and i manage to get loads of fun!


the 2nd R&R day....
formosa train station. HOW BEAUTIFUL IS THAT!???? LIKE SERIOUSLY!

dinner on 2nd day. another cafe near the restaurant i ate at on the first day.

lovely interior.

i wanted to have a baked pasta to compare with the one at the other restaurant. verdict.... the other restaurant is way better!

msg goh had this huge steam boat for himself!

theres loads of this kinda cute cute shops there. i obviously do not buy such things=)

visited love river at night along with jason and weixiang. we walked a long walk towards the river before we decided to take a cab cos we were freaking tired! and when we got there we were like WTF thats all love river has to offer us!

a poster of this area which we did not manage to visit

cam whorerssssss
self entertainment at such a boring river area.


3rd R&R day
packing up

my bed is so messy!

the hotel lobby. King of Kings Hotel. i must share with my readers this..... there was a couple of times the chamber maid (an aunty around 45 years old) asked me and calvin whether we wanted to "call girls" hahahha. it was hilarious. i dun do such things though. im a good boy. the aunty was creepy man. like stalking me.

kaohsiung main station. first time im taking the train. been walking alot there. cos of the good weather the walks has been good. took the train from here to the shopping district station which is near sogo where i was going to meet up with jason and weixiang for the last R&R day. last min shopping!

look at the token which is used to tap like our Ez link card to enter the station. cute huh!

guess K stands for Kaohsiung.


in the train. practically same like the nel line trains.

off towards SOGO.


they dun allow dogs in the train but they allow dogs that comply to these rules. read it!

chilled out at starbucks opposite SOGO for breakfast waiting for jason and weixiang. the starbucks is cheaper then singapore! the stupid thing was that they did not allow pictures taken haha but i took a snap before they told me that.

the lady asked for my surname. she did not know which "she" it is so i wrote it down for her and she went... "ohhhhhh" in a high pitched voice. ew. haha

on the second level. beautiful weather that day. sunny yet cold and windy!

see la i take nice pic for u jason!!!

great view of the city. was taken at some bookstore.
haha cute girl. i was the one to take the initiative to ask her whether we could take pic with her!!! i should get the credit jason!=) hahha. she adjusted her hair infront of us before taking the pic. it was a bit funny the way she did it.
porter bags!!! love them. sadly we didn't get any of them.

lunch at the same restaurant

the outdoor cafe at some huge park. had a drink there before heading back to the hotel to wash up and head to the airport!

i wasn't going to let my air ticket go! i held on tightly to it cos i wanted to go back to singapore badly!!! haha

waiting around for our flight back!

i must say i kinda did enjoy my trip there. of cos there were its flaws here and there. whatever it is, it definitely made my trip a memorable one.
i think i shouldn't show my buys there!
hope u enjoyed this post!
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